When Americans are asked whether they are doing all right financially, they answer yes. Huge majorities answer yes. There have been several polls asking folks whether they have enough income. Or whether they feel secure in their job. Or whether they are confident they will have enough for retirement. Etc.
People have been consistently positive. About their own financial situation.
So why do you suppose they badmouth the economy in which they live?
Consumers feel confident. In July they told pollsters they are feeling good about things to do with their own affairs. As a group they were more positive than any time in the last six years.
Yes. In spite of high gas prices all summer. In spite of a weak U.S. Dollar, which has pushed up prices of imports. In spite of the fact that a number of food prices - from milk to corn products - have risen. A majority of folks are telling pollsters they are happy campers.
And yet, the same sort of people tell pollsters the economy stinks. They reckon the economy is performing badly. More than two-thirds believe it is either in recession or will be shortly. They are sure the economy is hurting the poor, the middle class. They believe it is helping only the rich.
It should be no surprise that a majority of people say they, personally, are doing all right. There is a fair amount of data to support that.