The Democrats - and some of the Republicans have painted themselves into a corner.
First, they tell us the economy stinks. You surely have heard them on this subject. We’re shipping jobs overseas by the tens of thousands. (Thank you, Lou Dobbs.) We’re losing our manufacturing. The middle class has taken a huge whack. Only the rich are happy.
The good news on the economy? It’s all smoke and mirrors. And more lies from Bush. This economy is in recession. And if it is not, technically, most Americans feel it is. People are depriving their kids of extra sandwiches so they can afford to buy gas. Worst economy since the Depression.
And all of that.
I don’t buy it. The economy has been doing well. But let us suppose they are right. Let us suppose they are not just saying the economy stinks in order to frighten voters. Let us assume they really mean it. The economy is for the dogs.
For the moment, then, let us look at another big idea the Democrats are pushing. Raising taxes.
They are lining up immense tax increases. New taxes. As well as old taxes coming back to whack us. The old taxes will come back when the Democrats let the Bush tax cuts expire. Which they promise they will do.