Dear Maggie,
I have recently retired and had such great plans for getting in shape, but I just can’t seem to get on a schedule. I just want to sleep all day. I hate to exercise and I know I need to. I need to cook healthier for both my husband and I, but my part-time job takes up too much time. I’m not just making excuses, well, maybe I am. But I seem to be busier than I was when I was working, and the day goes by so fast. Thus, I get tired. It’s a vicious circle!
Do you have any tips for motivation and fitting everything in?
Retired and Tired
Dear Retired and Tired,
Motivation is the toughest part of the entire equation, so you’ve asked what is probably the best health & fitness related question that can be asked. How do you motivate yourself? How do you get off the couch and move, when every cell in your body is urging you to just curl up a little more and pull the covers over your head, and watch just one more episode of the Monk Marathon on USA.