What ever happened to tax increases? They seem to have vanished.
For the last two years we heard a number of politicians promise to raise our taxes. They vowed to raise taxes on most Americans. Oh, they did not say “raise taxes”.. They said they would let the Bush tax cuts expire. Well, if you don’t renew tax cuts you automatically raise taxes.
Other politicians actually talked openly of hiking taxes. They said they wanted to tax the rich more and redistribute that money to the ailing middle class. As well as to the poorer classes.
Lately we have not heard much about tax increases. We have not heard much about letting the Bush cuts expire. If you go to candidates’ web sites you won’t find much about this. Congressguys are not jabbering about this either. Why do you suppose that is?
These days we get promises to repair the economy. We get promises to rescue people who were conned by mortgage lenders into taking out loans they could not repay.
Now we get promises to modernize and simplify the tax code.
We get claims that millionaires pay lower taxes than nurses, teachers and truck drivers. (When you run for high office you can say the moon is made of blue cheese and get away with it.)