New Or Old, Oxford Vets’ Homes Cause Uncertainty
Published: May 19th, 2009
By: Melissa deCordova

New or old, Oxford Vets’ Homes cause uncertainty

OXFORD – It could be another month before the residents of the Oxford Veterans’ Home are given an estimated date for moving into the newly-built facility next door.

Transition to the $66 million, 220,000 square feet building was originally scheduled for nearly a year ago in June of 2008. It was later delayed through October, and again to November, with officials at one point saying they were merely awaiting the arrival of furniture.

While representatives from the New York State Department of Health and project managers, the New York State Dormitory Authority, have not been forthcoming with the specifics, it is believed that water or vapor caused the linoleum of some sections of the first floor corridors to separate.

Yesterday, a spokesman from the Dormitory Authority said the agency is “in the process of having discussions” with flooring contractors, Rochester Flooring Resources, “over the next two or three weeks.”

“At the end of that, we would be in a much better position to give you a more definitive answer on the extent of the project,” said Paul Burgdorf, public relations spokesman for the Dormitory Authority.


The Evening Sun

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