OXFORD – A typical board of education meeting usually involves school leaders wearing some semblance of professional business attire. At Tuesday night’s meeting of the Oxford school board, however, the attire was decidedly groovier, with board members and administrators all sporting tie-dyed tees in tribute to a teacher who has spent the last two decades building the district’s summer reading program.
Those familiar with the program may recognize the significance of the psychedelic T-shirts, as Leslie Koopman, the sixth grade reading teacher who created the course, traditionally ends each summer’s session tie-dying with participants.
“After 21 years, we’ve had another great summer,” said Koopman, as she updated the board on the summer’s activities.
The summer reading program consists of hour and a half long classes in reading and math held each day, Monday through Thursday during the month of July. Breakfast and lunch are provided free of charge to participants through the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program.