Suppose you and I discuss education. I disagree with what you say. “Communist!” I sing out. “You’re a damned communist, that’s what you are.”
What happens next? My guess is that you say “I’m not a communist. How could you call me a communist? You have zero evidence. Why, I’ve never … etc, etc.”
By calling you a commie I change the subject, don’t I? We no longer argue about education. We now argue about communism. And about whether you are one.
This is why so many public figures fling the term “racist” about.
This week, Jimmy Carter suggested racism was behind Congressman Joe Wilson’s outburst during the President’s speech to Congress. (Wilson cried out “You lie!”) Carter reckons most of the animosity directed toward the President is based on his race. Zero evidence.
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote that Wilson’s comment “had racial undertones.” She suggested that many critics could not accept a black as president. Zero evidence.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters urged the press to “probe conservatives for racist views”. Zero evidence.
Another representative said something about the donning of white hoods, encouraged by Wilson. Zero evidence.