LEBANON – A Madison County town board tabled action on a series of road bore requests filed by Nornew, Inc. connected to a proposed 8.2 mile, 16-inch high pressure steel natural gas pipeline.
The action was taken by the Town of Lebanon on Sept. 14 at a public hearing attended by more than 40 residents and property owners.
“The public objected to the proposal and expressed concerns about public safety and environmental impacts to several state Public Service Commission (PSC) staff members,” said Town Supervisor Jim Goldstein in a press release.
Lebanon Town Council member Carol King voted to table the resolution, seconded by Council Lois Hartshorn, so the town board will not act on the road bore permit request for portions of town roads including Vosburg, Bastain, Lebanon Center and Lebanon Hill roads until the next board meeting on October 13. Supervisor Goldstein said the town board would be obligated to act at that time according to procedure, but could vote the road bore permit request down at that time, depending on whether or not the multiple questions raised at the public hearing were adequately addressed by Nornew, Inc. and PSC officials.