Like Shakespeare, I’ve always believed that “brevity is the soul of wit.” I’ve never told a joke or anecdote in my entire life, but if you need a snappy one-liner, I’m your guy. It’ll take me a while to get through a full-length novel, but give me a book of short stories or essays, and I’m a happy camper. I could sit through two or three episodes of the same TV series in a row, but a two-plus hour movie? Snoozeville. Heck, I’ve pretty much made a career out of something called ‘30 Seconds.’ Talk about a short attention span.
That’s why I look forward to the Sherburne-Earlville Drama Club production every fall, in which director Colleen Law-Tefft marches her junior thespians through an evening of one-act plays. Short, witty and rapidly-paced, the dozen or so short plays are perfect for those like myself with attention deficit disorder. Whether you’re really engrossed by one or not so into it, another will be along in ten minutes.