If you support one party or another you may think these questions have something to do with party politics. They do not.
First question: The President assures us his healthcare bill will bring down healthcare costs in this country. Do you believe him? He says government will re-work one-sixth of our economy. In the process it will improve quality in healthcare and not add a dime to our deficit. Do you believe him?
If he says another word about this process being transparent, will you believe him? If he says no congressperson’s vote was bought with appointments for friends or pork for districts, will you believe him?
The Speaker of the House promises something similar? Do you believe her? She also says the House can pass a bi-partisan bill without Republican votes – and still call it bi-partisan. Do you believe her?
The Vice-President says…well, anything. Do you believe him?
The House ethics committee looked at the sleazy stuff Charlie Rangel has been up to and basically looked the other way. Up to his neck in charges of corruption, Rangel claimed the committee believes he is innocent. Do you believe him? Do you believe the members of that committee feel Charlie is pure as driven snow?