Never Too Soon To Start Thinking About Summer Camp
Published: April 16th, 2010

Never too soon to start thinking about summer camp

NORWICH – For both parents and kids, it’s never too early to start thinking about plans for the summer. Parents want to be sure their children are safe, supervised, and engaged in activities that keep their kids’ minds and bodies active after school lets out for the summer. Youngsters look forward to the free time, and simply want to have fun and learn something new. YMCAs have been serving communities for more than 150 years, and Norwich family YMCA day camp is a perfect option for parents who are looking for a safe and fun place for their kids to build healthy mind, body and spirit this summer.

“Children are our greatest treasures and greatest responsibility,” said Thomas Revoir, Senior Program Director. “YMCA day camp helps kids grow positively, meet healthy role models and learn good values - all while having fun. We not only provide memories that last a lifetime, but we also assure parents that their kids are in good hands during the summer.”

Day camp for youth - the most popular offered by YMCAs - provides youngsters with a unique opportunity to connect with their peers and their community. At the Norwich Family YMCA day camp, our campers enjoy a broad range of age-appropriate programs, events and activities, from Arts -n- Crafts, swimming, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, and much much more.,


The Evening Sun

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