So Arizona is doing something about the invasion of folks from Mexico and Central America. And the laws they plan to enforce have enraged a lot of people.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are among those who protest the new law. San Francisco leaders want to encourage boycotts of Arizona tourism and products. And all that.
Interesting, isn’t it? Sharpton and Jackson are perpetual opportunists. They will exploit anything that will get them before TV cameras.
Their main complaint is that Arizona police may do some racial profiling when they enforce the law. That is a complaint most people can understand. None of us would like to be profiled.
And yet, Sharpton and Jackson love and support racial profiling. When it comes to getting kids into college, they do. When it comes to getting their supporters into police forces and fire departments, they do. When it comes to collecting various benefits from government, they do. They insist on racial profiling for these things.
Ah well, maybe they forgot.
As for the law itself, there is one aspect the debaters seem to ignore. That is the matter of protecting the citizens of the United States. That is one of the duties assigned to our federal government. You will find it in our constitution.
Most folks think of this as military defense. I see it also as protecting our people from invasion.