My mother has always been quick to impart her wisdom, dropping little tidbits of advice suitable for all manner of occasions. As, let’s face it, most mothers are wont to do. These gems of insight, drilled into our brains through repetition, continue to serve us well into our adulthood.
Thanks to years of my mother’s sage advice, I know better than to contemplate a late-night snack before bed. (Nightmares, her voice whispers in my subconscious.)
Similarly, I abstain from taking a swim too soon after eating. How could I dare with her warnings about cramping ringing in my ear?
Beer then liquor? Oh wait, that one I learned the hard way all by myself in college.
You may have noticed that most of my mom’s reproves revolve around eating. I’m not sure why, exactly. But I can say that no truer food-related warning exists than what is perhaps her most oft-repeated admonishment: Never go shopping when you’re hungry.
I have seen plenty of evidence (i.e. wrappers in her purse and car) to know that I’m not the only one who struggles to follow this sagest of advice.
For some reason, despite the undeniable truth behind these words, it is the one which I have the hardest time abiding by. (Given the aforementioned wrappers, perhaps it’s genetic.)