There are a number of things you might admire about this fella, Paul Ryan. He is the congressman who heads up the budget committee in the House. He is the guy who put together the plan – released this week – to reduce our humongous deficits by over $4 trillion. A mere $4 trillion, over ten years.
One thing to admire is that he did not attack the other side. Maybe you saw where he did. I did not. He did not lambaste the big spenders. He did not spit out inflammatory language.
He did not say this deficit problem came from the Democrats. I like that. Because both parties have spent like there was no tomorrow.
I admire Ryan because he tells us there is no tomorrow. Not unless we change our ways. He tells us the truth. The truth is we cannot afford Medicare and Medicaid. Not the way they are structured now. Not at the speed with which they are expanding. We cannot afford them. Case closed.
Now there are some who deny this. We can always tax the rich more, they tell us. We can tax businesses more. Right. If you shine the lights of truth on these arguments they wither. Higher tax rates will lead to a slower economy and less money coming in. Less money coming in and more people out of work will only make our problems worse.