Continuing the diversified history of the above educational institution, with the establishment of the subscribers a later meeting was held to elect a proper Board of Trustees consisting of eight prominent citizens of the township. Daniel T. Dickinson was chosen President, Daniel S. Dickinson chosen as clerk with the remaining six chosen was John Latham, Dauphin Murray, Rufus Baldwin, Calvin Milles and Phineas Atwater.
A site was chosen for the building that being as written in the previous article opposite the Presbyterian Church and adjacent to the Guilford Creek. The land was owned by Rufus Baldwin who donated the site for a token of fifty cents. This monetary amount was chosen as it was required that money be exchanged to make the sale completely legal.
By the year 1829 the building was completed and the final touch was made in November of that same year. A meeting by the Trustees resulted in a gentleman by the name of Howard Dresser be retained as the first teacher. His salary was a meager amount by today’s standards being $75 for a year and given room and board. Mr. Dresser would continue to serve as a full time educator for three years before giving way to other teachers.