NEW BERLIN – The Village of New Berlin board voted unanimously to reject a plan to form an ambulance district with the towns of New Berlin and Columbus Tuesday night at a special board meeting.
According to Supervisor Ross Iannello, the idea has been in the works for two years. Currently, the village ambulance service provides for the three districts and taxes are collected in conjunction with the fire service tax.
The current contract is in effect until 2013, and communities have the option of giving six months’ notice before pulling out.
Under the proposed plan, a single tax district would be formed and create two separate tax lines in the budget for fire and ambulance services.
Terry Hannigan, an attorney with ambulance experience, was contracted by both towns to assist in the planning and formation of the district.
“What this agreement does is provide one line and one cost for EMS services on the budget,” said Hannigan. “It’s so you’ll know exactly what you’re paying and what everyone else is paying.”