It never ceases to amaze me how small the world can be, and how especially small the county can be. I don’t just mean actual size of the land or amount of people, either, but how surprisingly tight-knit everyone is and the thousands of connections we make on a regular basis, often without even realizing it.
I discovered one of these connections this week as I was following up on a story about a young man who will be receiving his Eagle Scout award on Saturday.
As I believe I’ve mentioned in past columns or blogs, I participated in scouts from 3rd grade until my graduation and received my Eagle Scout in 2006, a point that has brought me plenty of personal pride over the years. I don’t consider myself better than anyone else because of this award; everyone has at least one thing that they’ve accomplished in their life that they’re especially proud of.
For me it was my Eagle award, everything I learned during the process, and the friends I made while doing it.
It isn’t an easy task to complete and one of the biggest hurdles is the Eagle Scout project. This project involves planning a community service act, raising the necessary funds, organizing a crew to do the project and then presenting a complete breakdown of the process and completion of that project.