Let’s face it, a little bit of common sense (so lacking nowadays) and logical thinking on our part would go a long way toward addressing many of the issues the disparate factions that make up our great country are currently pettifogging on a regular basis these days.
Unfortunately, however, most people have a tendency to “stick to their guns” when it comes to said issues. Which, of course, makes any debate concerning topics such as gay rights, gun control, hydraulic fracturing, abortion, the legalization of certain drugs, gender (not to mention social) equality or climate change a moot one, as they say.
Me? I have no problem debating any of these issues. And as an all-American, democracy kicks Rocky Mountain canary, I-bleed-red-white-and-blue, God-fearing (not really) liberal at heart, I find most (if not all) of these controversial affairs to be extremely over-analyzed ... over-dramaticized ... over-what-ever-you-want-to-call-them.
In other words, none of the above require all that much thought if one is seeking a simple, fair and all-around democratic solution.
And before I go any further, I say not really (in regards to God) because – in my world – He (or She) is not to be feared ... simply respected. No offense intended.