NEW BERLIN – The towns of Columbus and New Berlin have voted to discontinue receiving service from the Village of New Berlin ambulance.
Columbus has instead approved a six-month agreement with Cooperstown Medical Transport (CMT) and will continue to receive service from Sherburne.
According to Supervisor Tom Grace, the decision to abandon the agreement with the Village of New Berlin is “a travesty.”
“I will do everything in my power to reverse this decision and make sure our residents have the best available local coverage,” he said.
However, board members of the Town of New Berlin have stood by their decision, citing inaccuracies in the ambulance service budget and a $53,000 deficit which has forced the village to remove funds from its own reserves.
“The village is going to do what it believes is best for the village,” said Town Supervisor Ross Iannello. “People just haven’t gotten enough information throughout this process.”