Suppose you run for the White House. And suppose one evening during the campaign you address 10,000 voters.
Your advisors tell you that maybe 60 percent of them are women. What types of issues do you suppose you will choose to talk about with this group? And do you suppose you might make sure a lot of women are on stage with you?
Will you use boxing analogies in your talk? (“We need to deliver a knockout blow!”) Or military analogies? (“We’re attacking with all guns firing.”)
Or will you instead use softer language? Will you speak of what is “fair” and “unfair”? Because such words tend to resonate more with women than with men. Will you – like the brilliant campaigner Bill Clinton – tell the voters you feel their pain? If the group was all men, I bet you would not. Men are more likely to feel you should “suck it up.” More likely to feel winning is more important than fairness.
The candidates face an electorate that is about 60 percent women. Women outnumber men by several million. And a higher percentage of them vote.
So, guys, if you don’t want to see Obama and Romney pander to women in this campaign, don’t turn on your television. These guys will focus on women, women, women.