OXFORD – The Oxford American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) held the installment of its new officers on June 12 during their regular monthly meeting. The new 2012 – 2013 officers are Sylvia Witchella, President; Robin Simons, First Vice; Cindy Hubschmitt, Second Vice; Barbara Bogie, Secretary; Desseray Wallace, Treasurer and Membership Chairman; Lillian Quinn, Chaplin; Denise Smith, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Eileen Lewis, Historian. Judi Baker was the installation officer.
Upcoming news: look forward to the Legion’s Blackhawk Alumni “Ice Breaker” starting at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 27. The Auxiliary will be there to lend a hand with the sausages, onions and peppers; pulled chicken and the ever delicious, buttery salt potatoes! Plans are being discussed for a pulled pork dinner in August. Also watch for information about a monthly 50-50 raffle starting in September on the third Sunday; begins Sept. 16, at the Legion’s All-You-Can-Eat fundraising Community Breakfast from 7:30 to 11 a.m.