There are times when it simply doesn’t pay to be right, despite any joy one may take from an opportunity to say, “I told you so,” most assuredly the case with the narrowly averted fiscal cliff that’s been all the rage on cable news in recent weeks. Which is why I was in no way, shape or form surprised this morning when informed by my landlord of a bi-partisan deal, agreed upon by lawmakers in the hours leading up to the supposed (can anybody say manufactured?) crisis.
Why is that, you ask? Well, let’s just say I’ve been telling anyone who would listen (hey, there’s a few of you out there) to lay off the never-ending bombardment of fiscal cliff “news” and stick to re-runs of their favorite sitcom – Seinfeld, for me – sadly a much more enlightening experience in my opinion. You see, for weeks now I’ve maintained that a deal would be reached, probably at the last minute (of course), and all this worry and concern was unnecessary, as our representatives in Washington were unlikely to let us know just how dysfunctional they really are.