OXFORD – Both the local and county levels of the American Legion’s National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program, a “Constitutional Speech Contest,” were held on Sunday at the Oxford Academy High School auditorium. The event was co-chaired by Dale Dewey and Vic Harmon, both from the Oxford Fort Hill Post #376, and due to their promotion, it yielded a larger than usual turn-out of contestants. Talented speakers received scholarships, but only one Chenango County winner is headed for the Sixth District level.
On the local level of the academic speaking challenge, there were five contestants: Amanda Korb, a junior from Otselic Valley Central School; Darci Herrick, Sarah Renaud, Megan Golden, and Morgann Westcott, all seniors from Oxford Academy.
The prepared oration was required to be a memorized speech, 8 to 10 minutes in length, on some aspect of the Constitution of the United States, with emphasis on the duties and obligations of a citizen to our government. Appropriate business attire was also a requirement. Megan’s speech was about freedom of speech, Darci’s was about the right to vote, Sarah and Morgann spoke about gun control, and Amanda talked about each citizen’s responsibility to vote, get an education and to pay taxes.