CHENANGO COUNTY – The New York State Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act has been a topic of dissension among legislators since its passing in January, 2013.
But many counties are taking action to distance themselves from the new measure of gun control, some recently adopting proposals that request the state to refrain from using their county’s name or seal on pistol permit recertification notices. Chenango County has not passed such a measure, according to County Clerk Mary Weidman.
“There is a lot of information going out that relates to the pistol permit recertification process that will occur by 2018,” said Weidman. “Most county clerks don’t want their county name linked to it in any fashion.”
Terms of the New York SAFE Act indicate enforcement of the pistol permit recertification process is the responsibility of New York State Police. All pistol licenses must be re-certified to the Division of State Police every five years, the legislation states. And licenses issued before the SAFE Act was passed last January must be re-certified by January, 2018.