Norwich Boys, Girls Playing For Sectional Titles
Published: February 28th, 2014
By: Patrick Newell

NORWICH – Norwich and Oneonta set themselves apart from the rest of the Class B schools in Section IV almost from the start of the 2013-2014 basketball season. So, it's no surprise that we'll see Norwich-Oneonta sectional finals Saturday night– boys and girls – at the Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena.

Below are sneak peeks at those games.


Norwich (13-6) vs. Oneonta (17-2), 5:15 p.m.

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Other than offseason games in team camps, Norwich coach Josh Bennett cannot recall when his club has beaten Oneonta. Bennett isn't alone as few teams have topped the Yellowjackets, winners of six straight sectional championships.

Oneonta swept the two meetings with Norwich this season beating the Tornado by seven in Norwich, and following that up with a nine-point victory (60-51) at Oneonta on Jan. 22.

Norwich's defense has allowed just over 40 points per game this season, and opponents reached 50 points a mere four times with Oneonta accounting for two of those 50-plus point performances.


The Evening Sun

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