NEW BERLIN – Two hundred years ago on April 14, 1814, fifteen men and Fr. Daniel Nash decided to form the church that became St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in New Berlin. This summer and throughout the year there will be an assortment of events to celebrate the church's 200 birthday and to educate members of its extensive history. Members and non-members alike are welcome.
“How wonderful for us to celebrate this occurrence,” said Father Chuck Taylor of St. Andrew's. “How many lives have been effected by the church here... (the church) nourishes the spirit here of people in the valley.”
One of the first events is the Fest of Holy Eucharist, which will be held at 11 a.m. on June 22 at St. Andrew's. Bishop Gladstone Adams will be present and there will be a rededication of the church followed by the installation of the history capsule in the church building. Taylor explained that there are also plans to plant a confer tree, which is in keeping with the trees that used to grace St. Andrew's lawn.
An important feature of that day will involve the presentation of a comprehensive history on the church, which various members have been working on for a year and a half.
“We've hit the draft stage,” said Jeanne Westcott, a parishioner and one of the people working on the book. “Not every chapter is only history.”