The Big Deal About Race
Published: May 6th, 2014
By: Tom Morgan

It is good to live in a country where a big league bigot gets his head handed to him.

The billionaire who owns the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers. He turns out to be a bigot. The guy’s ex-gal leaked recordings of him bad-mouthing blacks. This is a big deal in so many ways.

Big deal: The NBA commissioner banned him for life from NBA activities. And fined him $2.5 million. And is pushing him to sell the team. And to use the money to buy a rock to crawl under, please.

Ironically, this is free market economics at work. Because the NBA is not doing this for moralistic reasons. It is doing this for money. That’s a big deal. The other owners knew of this guy’s bigotry. They only rebuke him now. When his words threaten to cost them money. When fans and advertisers turn against the league. Meanwhile, people who hate bigotry don’t care what the NBA motives are. They are simply happy the guy is getting his comeuppance.

Big deal: The big hams leapt into action. Jesse Jackson turned up for the next game. For the cameras. Al Sharpton signed up to prance around with the cheerleaders. These guys are shameless race hustlers. They too are in it for the exposure. Which leads to money for them.

Big deal: Snoop Dog, the rap singer, quickly came out with a video. In it he spews profanities against whites. He dove into this pigsty to win publicity for himself. Which translates into money, of course. So, have you seen any of the Clipper’s critics cite Snoop Dog’s rabid bigotry? Any of them call for a boycott of this disgusting performer?

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Big deal: Other big time guys rant at times against whites. Against Jews. (Jesse and Al vilified both repeatedly.) Against Catholics. And Christians. And Jews. I mention Jews twice because they are always big targets for bigots.

You can file Louis Farrakhan’s rants with those of the Clippers’ owner. Delicate Louis saith “White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet.” Also, on the Jewish people, “You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You have sucked their blood.”

Meanwhile, the President befriends him. He befriends the Rev. Wright. Who tells us our elite universities infect blacks with “white racist DNA.”

Big deal: The President spoke out strongly against the creep who owns the Clippers. I admire him for that. But he picks sides. He befriends bigots Farrakhan and Sharpton and Wright.

This would be a big deal: Once in a while some of these guys stand up against bigotry their pals spit out against folks other than blacks.

Big deal: Millions of good folks of all races couldn’t care less what color or religion anyone is. Millions of decent folks of all races see and treat people as people. Not as black or red or yellow or green people.

Big deal: Our leaders and celebrities and media give them little credit. Instead, they take the low road. They jump into racial incidents. To win votes or dollars or readers or viewers. They see opportunity in racial incidents where blacks are victims. They don’t have the courage to stand up and speak up when others are victims.

I’m not keeping score. Simply opining that when they pick sides they pour gas on the fires of the grievance movement.

They have had chances to do better than this. And they could take inspiration from the greatest of stand-up men of modern times, Nelson Mandela.

He suffered absolute indignities at the hands of whites. They tortured him. They jailed him for most of his adult life. Finally freed, he could have set the torch to South Africa. By railing against whites. Instead, he extended his hand in friendship. He took the highest of high roads. For the sake of all the people of South Africa. And in a way, for the sake of all of us.

Meanwhile, our leaders have squandered their opportunities. They could have rebuked any and all celebrity bigots. No matter their color. Instead, they embraced them. Or chose to ignore their bigotry. They could have regularly praised and celebrated those who treat all people equally. Regardless of color. They have done little of this.

Had they done so, it would have been a big deal. So many of our celebrities and leaders and media have missed it. More is the pity.

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From in Morgan.
