The Section IV Division II Dual Meet Tournament Championships will be held at the Afton High School on Tuesday, January 16 with the first round scheduled to start at 5 p.m. on two mats.
The following seeds were decided for the tournament: first seed - BGAH; second seed - Tioga; third seed - SVEC; fourth seed - Norwich; fifth seed - Walton-Delhi and the sixth seed - Windsor.
The opening round will begin with Norwich wrestling Walton-Delhi and SEVC meeting Windsor while both BGAH and Tioga received a first round bye.
The semi-finals will put the winner of the Norwich and Walton-Delhi match against BGAH and the victorious team from the SVEC versus Windsor will face Tioga. The semi-final round will commence approximately at 6:30 p.m. The final two teams will wrestle in the championship bout, which will underway at around 8 p.m.