As manufacturing day approaches, Commerce Chenango would like to recognize our county’s manufacturers. More specifically, the efforts many of our manufacturers make to improve the community. Manufacturing produces more than jobs and products.
Most manufacturers have corporate social responsibility programs and strategies. Some do more than others though, and Chenango County is lucky to have a number of companies with robust CSR practices. They demonstrate the impact a company can have outside its walls.
Norwich residents are likely to associate CSR with Alvogen, due in large part to their annual Alvogen Day. Alvogen is a global pharmaceutical company whose 375,000 square foot Norwich facility produces a range of solid dose pharmaceuticals alongside packaging and other production capabilities.
For Alvogen Day the North Norwich facility shuts down production for the day and has all employees join in an effort to revitalize the City of Norwich downtown core by pulling weeds, raking leaves, washing storefront windows, and doing a variety of other activities.