Village Of New Berlin To Hold Meeting On Particles In Water
Published: January 11th, 2019
By: Zachary Meseck

NEW BERLIN – After receiving multiple complaints of particles clogging appliances and appearing in drinking water, Village of New Berlin officials reached out to the engineering company that maintains the village's water system and has scheduled a question and answer session for concerned citizens.

While village officials maintain New Berlin's water is safe to drink and that a filter would assist residents with any particle issues, residents of a trailer park in the village have requested officials to work faster to resolve the issue.

In response, the Village of New Berlin Board of Trustees scheduled an informational seminar at 10 a.m. on January 25 in the Village Hall with engineers from Delaware Engineering present to answer questions from concerned citizens.

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According to Village of New Berlin Trustee Carol Riley, a possible solution to the problem would be to install a fire hydrant on the trailer park's property and flush the lines.


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6 years ago
I took a video of what came out of my elderly mothers bedroom faucet. It made me want to vomit. My immediate concern was that this is an almost 81 year old woman in very poor health with cancer, COPD, end stage kidney failure, visual impairment, and is dependent on clean SANITARY drinking water for her health issues. In fact, her very life depends on it, and unfortunately her finances don't allow her to buy gallon upon gallon of water to cook, drink and bathe in (if she could afford that she certainly would not be living in a trailer park!) The water that came out was BEYOND disgusting. Frankly, it was VERY disturbing to think people -especially elderly fragile individuals (this is to be a 55 and over park) would be FORCED to drink and bathe in this garbage. I would be happy to share the video with anyone who is interested.
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