Mayor Of Norwich Asks Residents To Put Other Fellows First
Published: April 10th, 2020

A Letter from Norwich City Mayor Shawn Sastri

There is a motto from a camp I worked at as a young adult that I try to live my life by; “other fellows first.” Everyone has their own response to this pandemic. Some taking it more seriously than others. I’m asking that everyone consider “other fellows first,” for the health and safety of others around you. The weather is getting nice and it is difficult to be stuck inside. I can attest first hand that my family is getting sick of me being around! When making decisions to be outside please follow these rules:

1. Stay off the playground equipment and basketball/tennis courts

2. Follow all social distancing requirements and remain at least 6 feet apart when in public places

3. Wash your hands frequently

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I am amazed how everyone has come together during this crisis and I am blessed to be part of a great community. People tell me that they are thankful for my action during this time. My response is that the thanks belongs with the great first responders, firefighters, police, nurses, doctors, Emergency Management Operations and the County Health Department. Their guidance and communication during this time have been invaluable to me. Stay safe and healthy.

Mayor Shawn Sastri
