Two More Deaths Reported Due To COVID-19 In Chenango County
Published: December 29th, 2020

CHENANGO COUNTY – As of Tuesday there are 137 active cases of COVID-19 in Chenango County, and six individuals are currently hospitalized.

The Chenango County Department of Health confirmed there have been 1129 total cases of COVID-19 in Chenango.

There have been 18 confirmed deaths.

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The health department also confirmed there are 521 residents under quarantine, and 957 total recoveries.

So far approximately 54,610 tests for the virus have been administered in the county.


4 years ago
1129 total cases of COVID-19 in Chenango, 521 residents under quarantine, and 957 total recoveries, and 18 confirmed deaths. These are the type of propagandist numbers NYC uses apparently this rag doesn't think it's readers can count, with the reported numbers adding up to 1496 it's kinda hard to believe anything reported here !! It's also time to stop counting the number of tests given. Your numbers alter the facts by figuring in those who have to test multiple times a week, think about this, latest census shows a 4% decrease in the population as of 2020 pre-census figures only put our population at 38,967 not figuring in the 4% decrease officially yet. Also let us not forget the snowbird factor of almost 10% of our area isn't even in NY for the better part of 5 months !!
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