OXFORD – The Oxford Fire Department recently announced that it hopes to replace it’s 20-year-old primary fire truck due to ongoing mechanical issues, and its plan doesn’t involve increased taxes.
According to Oxford Fire Department Chief Ron Martin, the Oxford Fire Department, with support of the Village Board, is proposing to replace its 2002 HME Rescue Pumper with a 2021-22 model year Rescue Pumper at a cost of $750,000.
Martin said the existing 20-year-old engine has exceeded the three life cycles of a rescue pumper, and the funding plan is to allocate $100,000 from the OFD capital reserve with the balance of $650,000 financed with a 20 year bond at two percent interest.
He said the principal and interest payments for the purchase of the engine are already built into the village budgets and will be absorbed within the New York State tax levy cap of 1.31 percent for fiscal 2022 and beyond.
“With the one that we have now, we never know when we go out that door if it’s going to make it to the call - the engine is that problematic at this point,” said Martin. “There have been calls recently where the pumper has failed while attempting to save a home.”
“It’s not going to get any cheaper, I’m a taxpayer too and I was shocked by the prices of new trucks, but this is something that won’t affect the tax base and it’s a matter of life safety.”