Greater Opportunities For Chenango Offers Assistance To Low And Moderate Income Homeowners
Published: May 13th, 2021

CHENANGO COUNTY –Since 1998, Greater Opportunities for Broome and Chenango, Inc. has administered over thirty-seven grants throughout Broome and Chenango County to assist low to moderate income homeowners with home ownership, home repairs/improvements, supportive housing and replacement of manufactured homes.

 The Greater Opportunities Housing Programs are designed to improve the supply of affordable housing, as well as to address the critical health and safety needs for low-to-moderate income families throughout Broome and Chenango County. Depending on the type of repairs, eligibility, and funding availability, a homeowner could receive a grant for up to 100 percent of the project cost.

In February 2021, Greater Opportunities was awarded $150,000 through the New York State Access to Home Program to assist households with home modifications to enable persons with disabilities to remain or return to their own homes rather than enter or stay in costlier and more restrictive institutional settings. Eligible activities include but are not limited to: installation of ramp, lift or other similar measures to permit access to and from the exterior of the home, modifications to bathroom and/or kitchen to provide access to persons with mobility limitations or disabling conditions, interior accessibility modifications for hearing or sight impaired, etc. The proposed program will assist up to eight (8) units throughout Broome and Chenango Counties.

Additionally, Greater Opportunities is currently administering two Manufactured Housing Replacement Programs, which are designed to undertake actions in the replacement of dilapidated pre-1976 mobile homes or post-1976 manufactured homes with serious structural and systematic deficiencies with new Energy Star qualified manufactured homes. The program will fund the site work and purchase of an Energy Star rated manufactured home for current manufactured homeowners. The proposed program is intended to serve households at or below 60%; however, those up to 80% may be served depending on need and funding availability. The Manufactured Housing Replacement can serve households in both Broome and Chenango County. Basic program requirements include; clear demonstration ownership of single-family dwelling by a recorded deed; applicant must carry homeowner’s insurance; land and school taxes must be paid current for the year; household income may not exceed grant specified income limits; and mortgage must be paid current.

Other programs offered by Greater Opportunities include our Energy Services programs, which are designed to assist, home owners, renters, and landlords with reducing energy costs in their homes. In addition, Greater Opportunities has a First-Time Home Buyer Grant Program for families and individuals which provides education and financial assistance to assist individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency and home ownership goals. The eligibility requirement for the grant includes having the ability to be pre-approved for a mortgage with a local lender, who then works with our grant funding. Eligible applicants must earn below 80% AMI with good credit, have stable employment/income, contribute a minimum of $2,000.00 towards the purchase, and participate in home buyer education. Our current program is currently available only in Chenango County, however, when funding is available, Greater Opportunities offers First Time Home Buyer grants in Broome County as well. Please contact Catherine Berger, HUD-Certified Housing Counselor, at for more information. Finally, the Greater Opportunities Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, which provides on-going rental assistance to individuals and families.

Another opportunity these programs offer outside of assisting Broome and Chenango County residents is that these programs require experienced quality-minded contractors who want to participate in Greater Opportunities on-going construction programs. All trades are needed, including well drillers and sanitary system installers. Section 3 employers, and Women and Minority owned businesses (M/WBE) are encouraged to apply. Eligible contractors will receive Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for rehabilitation projects both in Chenango and Broome Counties.

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For complete program requirements, income guidelines, and applications, please feel free to stop by our Main Office Building at 44 West Main Street Norwich, NY 13815 or call us at 607-334-7114 ext. 4005 or 4007. Applications and information are also available on our website at

- From Greater Opportunities for Broome and Chenango, Inc.
