About Bobcats From The NY DEC
Published: December 17th, 2021

About Bobcats from the NY DEC A pair of young bobcats were reported in the Sherburne area on Tuesday, including the one pictured, caught perched along a farmer's field at dusk. (Photo by Tyler Murphy)

SHERBURNE – Bobcats (Scientific Name: Lynx rufus) are about twice the size of a domestic cat and usually smaller than the Canada lynx. Their fur is dense, short, and soft- its generally shorter and more reddish in the summer but longer and more gray in the winter.

Spotting occurs in some bobcats and is faded in others. The face has notable long hairs along the cheeks and black tufts at the tops of each ear.

Males are, on average, one-third larger than females. Both sexes can be greater than 30 pounds; however, averages for males and females are 21 and 14 pounds, respectively. Body length for males is 34 inches and 30 inches for females. Tail length is usually between 5 and 6 inches for both sexes.

The most critical features of bobcat habitat are places for refuge and protection, such as ledges. Bobcats often use rocky ledges and rock piles for shelter, breeding, and raising young. Brush piles, hollow trees, and logs are other good structures for resting and dens. Evergreen bogs and swamps-and other secluded places-also fill the bobcat's requirement for refuge and protection.

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Bobcats usually are not present where there are continuous human population centers; however, they can use patches of habitat if the patches are not completely isolated by urban development.

