SIDNEY – On Tuesday, the Norwich bowling teams hosted Chenango Forks in celebration of senior night. Prior to the match, Norwich honored seniors Aleks Smietana, Emily Flynn, and Chickie Roque for their dedication and commitment to the bowling program.
The Norwich Jv boys team suffered a 4-1 loss, but continue to improve. Tim White led the Purple Tornado with a 436 with a 180 in the second game. Troy Schack finished behind him with a 404 series.
For Varisty, the Norwich boys and girls both defeated Forks 4-1. After falling in the second game, the boys bowled well in the first and third with an overall 2812-2571 victory. Dawson Robinson led Norwich with a 634, including a 236 in the first with a 226 in the second game.
While the girls continue to push through with only a few matches to go, they can be proud of a victory this time, even with lower than normal scores. Norwich lost the first game before regaining confidence to finish strong in the final two games. They came away with a 1860-1715 win.
Andie Mucha led Norwich with a 475 series, which was the best out of both teams.
Norwich will have some time to prepare as they face Sus Valley on January 31 at 3:40 p.m. This will be the second to last match of the season.
NHS JV Boys:
Phin Rivenburg
99 79 68 (246)
Aidan Smith
130 79 126 (335)
Troy Schack
144 120 140 (404)
Tim White
123 180 133 (436)
Caleb Halupke
88 75 (163)
Shawn Pepples
69 98 (167)
Tylor Fink
114 101 (215)
Mike Kelly
97 79 80 (256)
Hayden Hills
121 84 82 (287)
Anthony Valentine
129 81 127 (337)
NHS Varsity Boys:
Aleks Smietana
173 184 135 (492)
Pat White
167 128 197 (492)
Spencer Root
200 168 222 (590)
Tyler Bates
200 191 213 (604)
Dawson Robinson
236 226 172 (634)
Freddy Moses 120
Sam May
140 110 (250)
RJ Lee
145 134 113 (392)
Wyatt Cole
163 171 129 (463)
Christian DeHaven
172 267 212 (651)
Landon Butenico
237 255 203 (695)
NHS Girls:
Siennah Bresee 90
Leanna Clipston 104
Emma Manwarren
118 140 (258)
Chickie Roque
87 91 92 (270)
Kathleen Bordonaro
149 127 (276)
Emily Flynn
147 128 112 (387)
Andie Mucha
160 152 163 (475)
Neyus Slabkki 98
Skyla Empie
102 104 (206)
Josie Cornell
94 90 74 (258)
Angelique Talbot
125 118 108 (351)
MacKenzie Poyneer
142 117 124 (383)
Crysti Talbot
147 152 120 (419)