American Legion Donates Candy And Snacks To Troops For Holidays
Published: December 12th, 2023

American Legion donates candy and snacks to troops for holidays (Submitted Photo)

NORWICH – Members of Lt. Warren E. Eaton DSC American Legion Post 189 and the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 189 recently collected 65 pounds of candy and snack items to be distributed to military troops serving our country at bases around the world.

Hoping to brighten the holidays for those troops away from family and friends, the items were shipped to the non-profit organization Military Connections. This volunteer organization sends Care Packages of donated items to Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen stationed overseas. Over 2000 Care Packages are sent year round providing a great morale booster for the troops.

Legion member, Navy Veteran Joe Sugar recalls the excitement generated when packages from home arrived. He said, “The packages were always welcomed, shared and traded. I was popular when a package from home arrived!”

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– Information from the American Legion Post 189
