Board Of Supervisors Discusses County Personnel Salary Increases
Published: June 11th, 2024
By: Anna Ginelli

Board of Supervisors discusses county personnel salary increases Norwich City Supervisor James McNeil and North Norwich Supervisor Robert Wansor engage in a discussion during the Chenango County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 10. (Photo by Tyler Murphy)

CHENANGO COUNTY – The Chenango County Board of Supervisors engaged in a crucial discussion about adjusting the salaries of multiple county personnel Monday morning during their monthly meeting.

The first resolution concerned a salary increase for the Office of the Aging Director. Heather Felter is currently occupying this position. The resolution was proposed by the personnel committee, led by North Norwich Supervisor Robert Wansor. The position’s current salary is $62,500 a year, and the proposed increase would raise it to $70,000 a year.

While the resolution was scheduled to be implemented yesterday, it was not without its share of concerns. Several board members expressed reservations about the timing and magnitude of the proposed increase, sparking a healthy debate.

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The justification for the increase was to raise the salary to “current rates comparable to other counties’ department heads,” as Norwich City Supervisor James McNeil noted.

However, McNeil contested that a salary increase of this amount did not seem needed right now.

“Is an increase valid? Yes. A $7,500 increase – at this point in time – no,” he said. “This is not personal. This is principle.”


The Evening Sun

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