Norwich YMCA Offering The “Fit Life Program”
Published: August 28th, 2024

Norwich YMCA offering the “Fit Life Program” The Norwich Family YMCA is excited to offer their “Fit Life Program” starting on September 16, Register today at the YMCA Front Desk. (Photo by Morgan Golliver)

NORWICH – The Norwich Family YMCA will be offering the “Fit Life Program” beginning September 16th. This program is a highly effective nutrition, fitness and improved body composition program for peak health. The cost is only $70 for Y Members ($70 plus monthly membership for non-members). That’s only $1.00 a day for ten weeks of guided nutrition and fitness coaching!

All who join the program will be given a complete body composition measurement which includes body weight, body fat, skeletal muscle, BMI and inches. Another body comp is done at the five-week mark, and again at the end, so participants can clearly see their progress and results.

 We use a fun and simple way to track nutrition, calories, and optimal food choices. We know simple food tracking is proven to help people learn to make better nutritional choices. Participants are given detailed feedback at the end of each week, or as much assistance as they’d like, all the way through the program, said program Assistant Director Pat Dietrich.

It’s important to note that participants will have complete and constant access to fitness trainers every day. The Y offers a wide variety of fitness classes that are guaranteed to improve muscular tone and strength, as well as increased cardio capacity. Trainers will help participants establish the most effective balance of strength and cardio training, all while offering many choices for every level of fitness, said Health and Fitness Director, Shannon Gawronski.

Gawronski is expecting a great turnout for this program and very excited. It also helps members fully take advantage of all the classes and fitness equipment that the YMCA has to offer while also tracking foods on an app that the program will utilize.

This program can be transformative for those who want to feel, look and be a healthier version of themselves. Registration for the Fit Life Program is currently ongoing at this time. Interested participants and active YMCA members can register at the YMCA Front Desk. There will be also be an information meeting on September 3, 2024 at 7 p.m.

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-Information from the Norwich Family YMCA
