Adult Craft Night At The Oxford Memorial Library
Published: December 16th, 2024

OXFORD - It’s time for another Adult Craft Night at the Oxford Memorial Library on Thursday December 19.

This month we are making Yarn Christmas Trees, the perfect addition to the mantel or centerpiece. In November we made beautiful Book Page Wreaths and it was a full class! December’s Adult Craft Night is utilizing recycled materials again with the Yarn Christmas Trees. The core of our trees will be recycled card board and the bases are pieces of scrap wood. We love finding ways to reduce waste and make something pretty. Oxford Memorial Library’s Adult Craft Nights are the perfect time to get out of the house and meet other fun crafters, everyone always has a great time. You don’t have to be a skilled crafter or artist for our programs, Gillian leads the class step by step. We hope to see you on the 19th at 5:30 p.m.

Special Holiday Closing Announcement: The Oxford Memorial Library will be closed for the holidays Monday, Dec. 23 – Thursday, Dec. 26 and Monday, Dec. 30 – Wed. Jan. 1. This is a change from previous closing dates.

Trust you all have a safe and joyful holiday season. For more information contact us at 607-843-6146.

- Information from the Oxford Memorial Library
