SHERBURNE — The Friends of Rogers will be hosting the 47th annual Winter Living Celebration from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 1 at the Friends of Rogers Environmental Education Center, located at 2721 State Route 80 in Sherburne.
The event will feature many old favorites, such as horse-drawn wagon rides, ice fishing demonstrations, ice rescue demonstrations by Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Officers and Forest Rangers, cross-cut sawing, fly-tying with Trout Unlimited, live music, and more.
Child-focused crafts and Cornell Cooperative Extension's 4H and Grow, Cook, Serve programs will be in the Bird Cabin as well. Cross country skiing and snowshoeing will also be available for free, weather permitting.
There will also be a fire and hot cocoa provided by the Friends of Rogers for visitors to warm up during the celebration. The Sherburne Rotary Club will be in attendance with hot dogs, mac and cheese, chili, and more for sale, and the Chenango Bird Club will be selling baked goods. All proceeds go to benefit the Friends of Rogers.