OXFORD - The Chenango County Area Agency on Aging and the County Health Department will offer a new Bingocize class at the Oxford Library, beginning with an orientation session at 10 a.m. on April 4 and continuing every Wednesday and Friday after that, April 9 to June 13, from 10 to 11 a.m.
Bingocize is a 10-week, no-cost health promotion program that combines the game of Bingo with fall-prevention exercises, seated or standing. Come play Bingo and meet new people while learning about techniques to reduce falls and increase cognition.
Bingocize is a fun exercise for mind, body, and spirit.
The class will fill up quickly, so save your place before April 4 by calling the Chenango County Area Agency on Aging at (607) 337-1770 or the Chenango County Health Department at (607) 337-1660.
-Information from the Oxford Library