NHS Cheerleaders To Host Paddle Party Fundraiser At VFW Tonight
Published: March 12th, 2025

NHS Cheerleaders to host Paddle Party fundraiser at VFW tonight The Norwich Purple Tornado cheerleaders pose for a photo with the student section during the Norwich girls’ game at Chenango Valley. Come out for the Cheer Paddle Party Fundraiser tonight, March 12 at the VFW, starting at 6 p.m. (Photo from Norwich Tornado Cheerleading)

NORWICH – The Norwich Purple Tornado Cheerleaders are hosting their annual Paddle Party Fundraiser this Wednesday evening, March 12, at the VFW. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. to view prizes, while the bidding will start at 6 p.m.

There are over 100 prizes, including 75 percent donated by local businesses. There will be donated baskets, gift cards, and certificates from local restaurants and businesses such as Angela’s pizzeria, golfing at the Canasawacta Country Club and Blue Stone Golf Course, two admission tickets to this year’s Chenango Blues Festival, even a Museum Pass to the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology in Syracuse, NY, and many more.

Paddles will cost $5 to start and then it is $1 each for additional paddles.

Bring your quarters! All bids will be 50 cents or $1. Quarters will also be available for purchase as well.

Food and drinks will be provided through the VFW itself while CC’s Cakes will also be on site with sweets and other treats.

The Proceeds of the Fundraiser will go directly back to the Cheerleading Booster Club for new warmups.

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“On behalf of the Norwich cheerleaders, I would personally like to thank the Norwich community for their support,” Norwich cheerleading coach Nancy Swertfager said. “If you liked what you saw from us this year, just wait until next year.”

-From the Norwich Purple Tornado Cheerleaders
