Frustrated County Residents Express Concerned Over Spikes In NYSEG Energy Bills
Published: March 18th, 2025
By: Kelli Miller

Frustrated county residents express concerned over spikes in NYSEG energy bills New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) recently posted a warning to customers to expect higher energy bills in March. (Photo by Kelli Miller)

CHENANGO COUNTY — New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) customers in Chenango County and surrounding counties are frustrated and concerned over the cost of energy and are left with little answers as to why their bills are so high.

NYSEG recently posted a warning to customers to expect higher energy bills in March and according to their website they disclosed an increase in supply costs combined with household usage of energy during the winter months are to blame. 

They also stated supply costs of gas and electricity are set by energy generating companies and passed-through to customers. NYSEG noted they have no control over the pricing nor do they profit from it and only deliver energy.

Sherburne residents Suzanne and Chase Winton have lived in the area for over 20 years. Suzanne said winters were much colder in the past but their bill was never higher than $350 a month.

“We can’t afford these bills,” she said. “There are no other choices for electric power in our area.”

The Wintons said they will be attending the board meeting this week, along with many community residents to express their concerns over the limited Sherburne allowance of megawatts and discuss the burden placed on residents due to the higher market price.


The Evening Sun

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