United Way Of Mid Rural New York Announces Campaign Results And Community Funding
Published: March 21st, 2025

CHENANGO COUNTY - The United Way of Mid Rural New York has finished its 2025 campaign and has now allocated those campaign dollars back to local community programs that applied for funding.

The combined fall campaign goal for the four-county region of Chenango, Delaware, Otsego and Madison Counties was $562,900 and the campaign reached 97% of that goal by raising $547,238.

“2024 was a great year for our local communities,” said Elizabeth Monaco, Executive Director of the United Way of Mid Rural New York. “Despite the tough economy, we had many new donors who came together this year with our existing givers to raise quite a bit of money. We still have a long way to go to meet our community’s needs, but we are building more relationships every day and the community is really showing its support of the United Way.”

For 2025, the United Way funding application process was opened to any nonprofit organization serving the local community in the areas of opportunities for youth, healthy community, community resiliency or financial security.

More than $800,000 in grant requests were received in the fall of 2024 for 2025 funding. Panels comprised of United Way volunteers and board members reviewed and scored every application received, and allocations were approved in late January 2025.

The programs that have received funding for 2025 have demonstrated the most likely ability to achieve success , show financial accountability, and measure outcomes with the populations they are serving over the next two years. Said Monaco, “Volunteers and Board members review each application independently to ensure each organization is not weighted against another organization. The process helps ensure that funds are used by programs that will make the biggest impact for our entire community.”

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For 2025, 22 programs in Chenango County were allocated United Way funding totaling $237,778. The United Way of Mid Rural New York also provides the funding for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, 211 Informational and Referral Hotline, the Regional Dental Task Force, and the Regional Micro Loan Program initiatives again for 2025.

For more information about the United Way of Mid Rural New York and its allocations process or to volunteer, you may call the office at 607-334-8815 or visit the website at www.uwmrny.org.
