EARLVILLE - Spring is upon us. Snow is melting, sun is shining, and the grass is beginning to come back again. Most of us are sharing in the spring-cleaning experience at our homes and workplaces.
Should you need to take a break from life. The men’s choir at First Baptist church featuring the musical talents of world-renowned musician Carl Pickett would like to give you an opportunity to take a break at the first annual “Springtata and Cookies” on Friday, April 11th at 6:30 p.m. doors will open at 6 p.m.
Afterwards cookies made with love by those who attend regularly will be served to encourage connection and fellowship. The “Springtata” is a work of art using music and the spoken word to create a picture of the Easter story. Consider making this “Springtata” a part of your spring Holiday tradition this year!
The event is free for all who attend and will be available on Facebook Live so those who will not be able to physically be present. Take a load of and jump start your easter season at First Baptist Church of Earlville located at 9 West main street in the village of Earlville.
To find more information about this event and the church you can go to the church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/firstbaptistchurchearlville and the church website: www.fbcearlville.org.
- Information from First Baptist Church of Earlville