BGA’s Wombacker And Hardt Attend Adidas Indoor Nationals
Published: March 27th, 2025
By: Morgan Golliver

BGA’s Wombacker and Hardt attend Adidas indoor nationals BGA’s Matthew Wombacker wins the boys’ racewalk championship at Adidas indoor nationals in Virginia Beach. (Submitted Photo)

CHENANGO COUNTY – Over the weekend, the Bainbridge-Guilford/Afton indoor track team had Matthew Wombacker and Harpo Hardt represent the school at the Adidas indoor nationals in Virginia Beach.

Both Wombacker and Hardt hit the qualification standards during the regular season to qualify for Nationals.

Wombacker, who finished third at the Nike indoor nationals and also attended the New Balance nationals in Boston, won the Adidas boys’ race-walk championship with limited male competitors. He ran the event in 7:53.88.

For Hardt, he hit the standard in the triple jump in the very first indoor track meet of the season, which was in early December at the Ithaca High School invitational, where he jumped 41 feet. Hardt finished tied for 38 out of 62 competitors in the elite class at Adidas indoor nationals with a jump of 39 feet, 11 inches.

Congratulations, Matt and Harpo.
