Jeff Genung 's Recent Stories

Your vote counts

School districts are the single largest sector of local government in New York State, accounting for nearly half of all ..

Bought and sold ...

May 2, 1994. I remember it like it was yesterday. First thing in the morning, Sandy Bohn poked her head ..

Colorscape brings performance artist for 15th show

NORWICH – Colorscape Chenango will be introducing at least two new faces for its 15th annual festival in September – ..

'Our Town' a homespun remedy

It doesn’t get any more American and apple pie than Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.” The tried-and-true high school chestnut play, ..

I fought the law ...

My vacation this year was a dichotomy of sorts – a week with the family in Utah, then a week ..

Assessors to face steep learning curve

NORWICH – When a natural gas well’s spacing unit encompasses two towns - or even two counties - it’ll be ..

You've got to pick an orphan or two ...

If you want to pack a house, pick a show with an abundance of kiddie roles. Each child is good ..

NHS stages "Oliver" this weekend

NORWICH – There’s an old adage in the art of acting that warns against sharing a scene with animals or ..

Artistic Discovery ‘09 winners announced

NORWICH – Throughout the month of March, the Chenango County Council of the Arts hosted its annual high school art ..

And now for something completely different

Having played the role of self-appointed high school theater critic around here for the better part of two decades, I ..

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I love NYRI!

Former Sheriff Joseph Benenati Remembered
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Evening Sun's Birthday
Evening Sun's Birthday

McBride Running For Chenango Judge
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The End Of Progress, The End Of An Era
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For The Discriminating Palate
For the discriminating palate

Like Sands Through The Hour Glass ...
Like sands through the hour glass ...

How Do You Spell ‘farcical?’
How do you spell ‘farcical?’

Serving Chenango County Since March 16, 1891
Serving Chenango County since March 16, 1891