Donald A. Windsor 's Recent Stories

Dates provide bridges to the past

If I were the Supreme Dictator of the Universe, I would demand that everything built for the long term would ..

Not through a car window

You cannot adequately see Chenango County through a car or truck window. It requires boots on the ground. Oh sure, ..

Upperville Falls

New York, New York may be one helluvah town because the Bronx is up and the Battery is down. But ..

Souvenirs of Yesteryear: The plain fill-osophy of floods

The flood of June 2006 was described by many lifelong residents as the worst they could remember. Personal memories can ..

Souvenirs of Yesteryear: The Burned-over District

How many churches do we really need? All we can get, might be one very appropriate answer. However, do more ..

Bullthistle botanist blossomed in Brooklyn

By Donald A. Windsor Deputy Historian, Chenango County Local boy makes good. Charles Stuart Gager, a Norwich native with a perfect resume, ..

Pre-World War II boyhood

I am very glad to have grown up when I did, in the years prior to and during World War ..

Chronological diversity

Tear it down and rebuild something else? Or repair what is already there? These seem to be the two major ..

Hobo jungles

Hobos are drifters who manage to survive by their wits, working when necessary, but tending not to. The word “hobo” ..

Souvenirs of Yesteryear: Street Signs

Municipal infrastructures, such as street signs, are usually taken for granted. Most residents know where they are going and how ..

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The Hosea Dimmick House
The Hosea Dimmick house

Not Through A Car Window
Not through a car window

Souvenirs Of Yesteryear: Canal Lock 100
Souvenirs of Yesteryear: Canal Lock 100

Dates Provide Bridges To The Past
Dates provide bridges to the past

Souvenirs Of Yesteryear: East German
Souvenirs of Yesteryear: East German

Scary Encounter With The Grog Hollow Monster
Scary encounter with the Grog Hollow Monster

Bullthistle Botanist Blossomed In Brooklyn
Bullthistle botanist blossomed in Brooklyn

Settlement Spacings
Settlement spacings

Souvenirs Of Yesteryear: The Jordan Spreader
Souvenirs of Yesteryear: The Jordan Spreader

Souvenirs Of Yesteryear: Plasterville
Souvenirs of Yesteryear: Plasterville