Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Maybe a billion souls

Forgive me. I steal a few thoughts from an editorial in the Wall Street Journal. I do so because they ..

Sleep on it!

Help me out here. I am having trouble following the various solutions. The solutions to our "energy crisis". We’re burning too ..

Zero to whine about

Democrats. May I suggest you deep six your idea of recreating the “fairness doctrine” for radio? Many of your leaders ..

Nitpicking the immigration bill

You can nitpick the immigration bill. That may not help you understand why it went down in flames. It went down ..

A tale of two women

When the music came over the air I pulled the car to the side of the road. In order to ..

Snip a page from this songbook

One of the smartest business operators I ever met played the piano. At work. More about her later. A few weeks ..

A chapter from Alice in Wonderland

Maybe you can explain this to me. Sandy Berger was a top White House aide in the Clinton White House. He ..

Them’s fightn’ words

If you love to study elections, this one will be a doosey. The battle for the White House will be. We ..

Celebrate gutlessness!

This Congress is gutless. And this is good for the country. So goes the thinking of a lot of historians. And ..

The history you don’t know

Let’s face it. This president has major problems. He is about as popular as leprosy. Especially compared with the guy he ..

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More From Tom Morgan

Good Is Bad Today
Good is bad today

Interesting Timing
Interesting timing

Powerful Presence
Powerful presence

A Comedy Routine
A comedy routine

Revoltin’ Development
Revoltin’ development

What Ever Happened To Tax Increases?
What ever happened to tax increases?

The Unraveling
The Unraveling

Higher Minimum Wage Isn’t Answer
Higher minimum wage isn’t answer

We Want More
We want more

A Disturbing Story
A disturbing story